Where You Don’t Pay Retail for Stunning Eyewear!

Welcome and thank you for visiting the Eyestyles Of  Woodbridge Vision Center website. We have relocated to 122 Main Street Wdbg, NJ 07095.

Eyestyles Of  Woodbridge Vision Center has been serving Middlesex County for 30 years. We strive to provide a personalized professional service with affordable eye care, diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, contact lens fittings, and a large selection of fashionable eyewear. Expertise and quality of service gained through years of experience is the foundation on which Eyestyles of  Woodbridge stands today. Now you can find us on the world wide web from the comfort of your home. The next time you need quality Optical Services, think of Eyestyles Of Woodbridge… Your Choice for Eye Care.

We’re on FACEBOOK! Become a fan today! Join us and over 500 others to see all of our Monthly Promotions, Store coupons and Pictures at a Glance!

Schedule Your Eye Exam Today!

Local Insurance Accepted!

Do you work for one of the following locations? If so, we take your vision plan! Not listed? Give us a call, and we’ll let you know.

Wakefern, Wegman’s, Hackensack Meridian, Amazon, Union Locals, NJ Transit, Woodbridge PD, Woodbridge Twp Board of Ed, Woodbridge Township Road/Sanitation Department, Met Life, Guardian,
Shoprite, Home Depot or Lowes here in town?

Dr. Davis is Participating Providers with: VSP, VBA, Superior Vision, QualCare, Aetna, March Vision, United Healthcare, United Health Care Community and Secure Horizon Plans, Davis Vision, Guardian, EyeMed, Superior Vision, Spectera Vision, Cigna, Cigna Vision, BCBS, Wakefern, NJ Horizon Mercy, Optum Health, MetLife, NVA, Davis Vision, Local: 1262, 9, 24, 358, 825, 102/675, 1199, 641, 164, 472, 97, 575, 525, 945, 7, Iron Worker’s and more. Hundreds plans accepted. HMO’s along with all major PPO’s. If it’s not listed simply call our store to verify info!


Eyestyles participates in several discount programs such as AARP, AAA, Vision 1 Plans, Eyefinity, Outlook & MetLife and Guardian DISCOUNT Plans.

Store Hours:

Monday 11-5pm,

Tuesday – Closed

Wednesday 11-4pm

Thursday – Closed

Friday 10-7pm

Saturday 11-1pm

Call for Sunday Schedule 10-2pm.

Summer and weekend schedules vary periodically, please call the store to verify weekend and summer hours. They do vary with multiple locations.